/* * Copyright (C) 1998-2023 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * This index demonstrates building a maximal library from source. * There is a minimal example in the same directory */ /* tslint:disable:ordered-imports */ import { EnumValue } from '../../srcTS/enumValue'; import { Map, Set, List } from '../../srcTS/collections'; import { Point } from '../../srcTS/point'; import { Size } from '../../srcTS/size'; import { Rect } from '../../srcTS/rect'; import { Margin } from '../../srcTS/margin'; import { Spot } from '../../srcTS/spot'; import { PathSegment, PathFigure, Geometry } from '../../srcTS/geometry'; import { DiagramEvent, InputEvent } from '../../srcTS/inputEvent'; import { ChangedEvent } from '../../srcTS/changedEvent'; import { Binding, Model } from '../../srcTS/model'; import { GraphLinksModel } from '../../srcTS/graphLinksModel'; import { TreeModel } from '../../srcTS/treeModel'; import { UndoManager, Transaction } from '../../srcTS/undoManager'; import { CommandHandler } from '../../srcTS/commandHandler'; import { Tool } from '../../srcTS/tool'; import { DraggingTool } from '../../srcTS/draggingTool'; import { RelinkingTool, LinkingTool, LinkingBaseTool } from '../../srcTS/linkingTools'; import { LinkReshapingTool } from '../../srcTS/linkReshapingTool'; import { ResizingTool } from '../../srcTS/resizingTool'; import { RotatingTool } from '../../srcTS/rotatingTool'; import { PanningTool, DragSelectingTool, ClickCreatingTool, ActionTool, ClickSelectingTool } from '../../srcTS/selectingTools'; import { TextEditingTool } from '../../srcTS/textEditingTool'; import { ToolManager } from '../../srcTS/toolManager'; import { Animation, AnimationManager, AnimationTrigger } from '../../srcTS/animationManager'; import { Layer } from '../../srcTS/layer'; import { Diagram, DraggingInfo } from '../../srcTS/diagram'; import { Palette } from '../../srcTS/palette'; import { Overview } from '../../srcTS/overview'; import { Brush } from '../../srcTS/brush'; import { GraphObject } from '../../srcTS/graphObject'; import { Panel } from '../../srcTS/panel'; import { RowColumnDefinition } from '../../srcTS/rowColumnDefinition'; import { Shape } from '../../srcTS/shape'; import { TextBlock } from '../../srcTS/textBlock'; import { Picture } from '../../srcTS/picture'; import { Adornment, Part } from '../../srcTS/parts'; import { Node } from '../../srcTS/parts'; import { Link } from '../../srcTS/parts'; import { Group, Placeholder } from '../../srcTS/parts'; import { LayoutEdge, LayoutVertex, LayoutNetwork, Layout } from '../../srcTS/layout'; import { GridLayout } from '../../srcTS/gridLayout'; import { GraphLinksPartManager } from '../../srcTS/graphLinksPartManager'; import { TreePartManager } from '../../srcTS/treePartManager'; import { CircularEdge, CircularVertex, CircularNetwork, CircularLayout } from '../../srcTS/circularLayout'; import { ForceDirectedEdge, ForceDirectedVertex, ForceDirectedNetwork, ForceDirectedLayout } from '../../srcTS/forceDirectedLayout'; import { LayeredDigraphEdge, LayeredDigraphVertex, LayeredDigraphNetwork, LayeredDigraphLayout } from '../../srcTS/layeredDigraphLayout'; import { TreeEdge, TreeVertex, TreeNetwork, TreeLayout } from '../../srcTS/treeLayout'; import { HTMLInfo } from '../../srcTS/htmlInfo'; import { ContextMenuTool } from '../../srcTS/contextMenuTool'; import { PanelLayout } from '../../srcTS/panelLayout'; import { PanelLayoutHorizontal } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutHorizontal'; import { PanelLayoutSpot } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutSpot'; import { PanelLayoutTable, PanelLayoutTableRow, PanelLayoutTableColumn } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutTable'; import { PanelLayoutViewbox } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutViewbox'; import { PanelLayoutGraduated } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutGraduated'; import { PanelLayoutGrid } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutGrid'; // Already imported in Panel // import { PanelLayoutPosition } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutPosition'; // import { PanelLayoutVertical } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutVertical'; // import { PanelLayoutAuto } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutAuto'; // import { PanelLayoutLink } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutLink'; // import { PanelLayoutGrid } from '../../srcTS/panelLayoutGrid'; /** * @suppress {duplicate} * @this {ToolManager} */ ToolManager.prototype.initializeStandardTools = function(this: ToolManager): void { // For each of these lists, the tools need to be assigned in a specific order, // so that they are added to the list in the correct order. // mouse-down tools: this.replaceStandardTool('Action', new ActionTool(), this.mouseDownTools); this.replaceStandardTool('Relinking', new RelinkingTool(), this.mouseDownTools); this.replaceStandardTool('LinkReshaping', new LinkReshapingTool(), this.mouseDownTools); this.replaceStandardTool('Rotating', new RotatingTool(), this.mouseDownTools); this.replaceStandardTool('Resizing', new ResizingTool(), this.mouseDownTools); // mouse-move tools: this.replaceStandardTool('Linking', new LinkingTool(), this.mouseMoveTools); this.replaceStandardTool('Dragging', new DraggingTool(), this.mouseMoveTools); this.replaceStandardTool('DragSelecting', new DragSelectingTool(), this.mouseMoveTools); this.replaceStandardTool('Panning', new PanningTool(), this.mouseMoveTools); // mouse-up tools: this.replaceStandardTool('ContextMenu', new ContextMenuTool(), this.mouseUpTools); this.replaceStandardTool('TextEditing', new TextEditingTool(), this.mouseUpTools); this.replaceStandardTool('ClickCreating', new ClickCreatingTool(), this.mouseUpTools); this.replaceStandardTool('ClickSelecting', new ClickSelectingTool(), this.mouseUpTools); }; // By default, these are added to the library in index.ts. When building from source, you must add them manually. Panel.definePanelLayout('Horizontal', new PanelLayoutHorizontal()); Panel.definePanelLayout('Spot', new PanelLayoutSpot()); Panel.definePanelLayout('Table', new PanelLayoutTable()); Panel.definePanelLayout('Viewbox', new PanelLayoutViewbox()); Panel.definePanelLayout('TableRow', new PanelLayoutTableRow()); Panel.definePanelLayout('TableColumn', new PanelLayoutTableColumn()); Panel.definePanelLayout('Graduated', new PanelLayoutGraduated()); Panel.definePanelLayout('Grid', new PanelLayoutGrid()); // These PanelLayouts are essential to GoJs and are added in panel.ts, so we don't add them here: // Panel.definePanelLayout('Position', new PanelLayoutPosition()); // Panel.definePanelLayout('Vertical', new PanelLayoutVertical()); // Panel.definePanelLayout('Auto', new PanelLayoutAuto()); // Panel.definePanelLayout('Link', new PanelLayoutLink()); // Add PartManagers for model subclasses. Diagram.addPartManager('GraphLinksModel', GraphLinksPartManager); Diagram.addPartManager('TreeModel', TreePartManager); /** * @hidden @internal */ export const go = { get licenseKey() { return Diagram.licenseKey; }, set licenseKey (licx) { Diagram.licenseKey = licx; }, get version() { return Diagram.version; }, 'Group': Group, // 'Util': Util, // could add back for debug 'EnumValue': EnumValue, 'List': List, 'Set': Set, 'Map': Map, 'Point': Point, 'Size': Size, 'Rect': Rect, 'Margin': Margin, 'Spot': Spot, 'Geometry': Geometry, 'PathFigure': PathFigure, 'PathSegment': PathSegment, 'InputEvent': InputEvent, 'DiagramEvent': DiagramEvent, 'ChangedEvent': ChangedEvent, 'Model': Model, 'GraphLinksModel': GraphLinksModel, 'TreeModel': TreeModel, 'Binding': Binding, 'Transaction': Transaction, 'UndoManager': UndoManager, 'CommandHandler': CommandHandler, 'Tool': Tool, 'DraggingTool': DraggingTool, 'DraggingInfo': DraggingInfo, 'LinkingBaseTool': LinkingBaseTool, 'LinkingTool': LinkingTool, 'RelinkingTool': RelinkingTool, 'LinkReshapingTool': LinkReshapingTool, 'ResizingTool': ResizingTool, 'RotatingTool': RotatingTool, 'ClickSelectingTool': ClickSelectingTool, 'ActionTool': ActionTool, 'ClickCreatingTool': ClickCreatingTool, 'HTMLInfo': HTMLInfo, 'ContextMenuTool': ContextMenuTool, 'DragSelectingTool': DragSelectingTool, 'PanningTool': PanningTool, 'TextEditingTool': TextEditingTool, 'ToolManager': ToolManager, 'Animation': Animation, 'AnimationManager': AnimationManager, 'AnimationTrigger': AnimationTrigger, 'Layer': Layer, 'Diagram': Diagram, 'Palette': Palette, 'Overview': Overview, 'Brush': Brush, 'GraphObject': GraphObject, 'Panel': Panel, 'RowColumnDefinition': RowColumnDefinition, 'Shape': Shape, 'TextBlock': TextBlock, 'Picture': Picture, 'Part': Part, 'Adornment': Adornment, 'Node': Node, 'Link': Link, 'Placeholder': Placeholder, 'Layout': Layout, 'LayoutNetwork': LayoutNetwork, 'LayoutVertex': LayoutVertex, 'LayoutEdge': LayoutEdge, 'GridLayout': GridLayout, 'PanelLayout': PanelLayout, 'CircularLayout': CircularLayout, 'CircularNetwork': CircularNetwork, 'CircularVertex': CircularVertex, 'CircularEdge': CircularEdge, 'ForceDirectedLayout': ForceDirectedLayout, 'ForceDirectedNetwork': ForceDirectedNetwork, 'ForceDirectedVertex': ForceDirectedVertex, 'ForceDirectedEdge': ForceDirectedEdge, 'LayeredDigraphLayout': LayeredDigraphLayout, 'LayeredDigraphNetwork': LayeredDigraphNetwork, 'LayeredDigraphVertex': LayeredDigraphVertex, 'LayeredDigraphEdge': LayeredDigraphEdge, 'TreeLayout': TreeLayout, 'TreeNetwork': TreeNetwork, 'TreeVertex': TreeVertex, 'TreeEdge': TreeEdge };